New Hampshire 2004 Primary
Manchester Union Leader "RETHINK 9/11" Ad Campaign
January 25, 26, 27, 28, 2004
(Ad #2 ran twice)
Total Impressions: 330,000

MUL Day 1
Why So Many ???
MUL Day 2 & 3
Why So Many Lies?
MUL Day 4
3 Hurdles to 9/11 Truth

RETHINK 9/11 - Ad #1: "Why Still So Many Questions?"
8.5 x 11 (Letter size) - Printable (but barely readable) .jpg Image
8.5 x 14 (Legal size) - Printable (and very readable) .jpg Image
Full Tabloid Size Acrobat .pdf file
RETHINK 9/11 - Ad #2: "Why So Many Lies?"
8.5 x 11 (Letter size) .jpg Image
8.5 x 14 (Legal size) .jpg Image
Full Tabloid Size Acrobat .pdf file
RETHINK 9/11 - Ad #3: "3 Hurdles to Truth & Justice"
8.5 x 11 (Letter size) .jpg Image
8.5 x 14 (Legal size) .jpg Image
Full Tabloid Size Acrobat .pdf file

Download Adobe Acrobat Reader

Sponsored by 9/11 Citizens Watch
Designed & Paid for by Big Medicine (i.e., a godsend donor)
Bold "Rethink 9/11" Headline Graphic by Blaine Machan
Exquisite Rush-Order Layout Art (on ads 2 & 3) by Cristian Fleming
Duly Diligent Research & Fact Checking by Kyle Hence
Created as a Contribution to the National 9/11 Visibility Campaign

- Please Pirate Whatever Parts You Can Use -

Usage Note: The Manchester Union Leader is one of the most ultra-conservative newspapers in America and the invading media's local "paper of record" during each presidential primary. Observing that these 9/11 doubts and questions were drawn from the pages of the MUL will help purge them (and absolve you) of suspect "liberal/leftiness" when you are addressing non-chorus crowds.