CHILDHOOD VACCINATIONS - A SECOND VIEW POINT - An Interview with Dr. Meg Pickering by Rita Dixit-Kubiak Seacoast Spirit, Vol II, No. 3
by Rita Dixit-Kubiak According to the National Vaccine Information Center findings, on average an American child receives almost three dozen doses of viral and bacterial vaccines by age five. The country has over 98 percent core vaccine coverage rate for five year olds entering kindergarten in many states. This means that America has almost met its public health target to immunize all children in its war against contagious diseases. However, the emerging information on the side affects of immunization particularly on the very young in our society, may make us reconsider the public health victory. Here Dr. Meg Pickering, chiropractor, working in Scarborough Maine shares her concerns and advice on this controversial subject. RDK: You are a chiropractor by profession what got you interested in the issue of childhood vaccinations? Meg Pickering: My partner Carol Coyle, also a chiropractor, and I have a large family practice in Scarborough. We have been in practice for almost 13 years. A major focus of our work, beyond the primary work of helping our patients reach their optimal wellness potential, is to educate our practice about issue that relate to health. With many families in our practice and with our own families we began researching the infant vaccine issue twelve years ago and we continue to update our information on the topic. RDK: What are the standard childhood vaccines and what are the side effects associated with them? Meg Pickering: The major childhood vaccines are: MMR, measles, mumps, rubella; DPT, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus; HIb, haemophilus, influenza type b; OPV or IPV, oral or injectable polio; hepatitis and chicken pox. The known side affects of these vaccines range from immediate reactions such as redness, swelling, screaming to long range affects such as neurological damage, seizures and even death. Other side effects that are being connected with mass vaccinations include degenerative nervous system and immune system diseases like MS, multiple sclerosis, CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma and allergies. RDK: Since immunizations are routine do you think pediatricians are aware of their dangers in order to educate parents to their risks? Meg Pickering: Most pediatricians are aware of the small chance (they believe) of side effects due to vaccinations, but usually believe the benefits outweigh the risks. RDK: Are there statistics on vaccine related illnesses or deaths? Meg Pickering: I am not aware of the statistics on this. However, according to our research, there is a 98% under reporting rate in regard to the incidence of vaccine related illnesses or deaths. It is very difficult to get a doctor to admit a connection. Therefore if a parent does vaccinate, they need to take down the lot number of the vaccine and closely monitor their child RDK: Is the research on contra-indications of vaccinations available? Meg Pickering: The research on the side effects of vaccination is under funded, but does exist. Organizations such as the NVIC, National Vaccination Information Center is doing its best to bring the issue to the fore front.
RDK: How do vaccinations interact with the human immune system? What are vaccination risks for infants? Meg Pickering: The body's immune system is a complex system incorporating almost every major organ such as the liver, spleen, thymus, bone marrow and skin. The immune system work harmoniously usually producing an inflammatory reaction to rid the body of a bacterial or viral pathogen that has taken hold. The whole body works together to create memory of the microorganism, so the next meeting will not require an acute reaction by the body. In most cases the memory is for life. For example once you have chicken pox you won't get it again. In the case of vaccinations, they are injected directly into the blood stream where antibodies are created by the body, but no acute reaction or memory is created. So it represents a chronic infection taxing the immune system, and repeat injections become necessary because the body stops producing anti bodies over time. The dangers of vaccines are due to the many additives, stabilizers and preservatives used in their production. Ingredients such as thimerosal (a mercury compound), formalen (a formaldehyde derivative) phenol (a carcinogenic substance), used as preservatives or stabilizers have produced tumors in lab animals. Vaccinations are riskier for infants because their immune systems are not fully developed, so their bodies are not as well equipped to handle the dangers of toxins. Many of the ingredients in vaccines are accumulative like thimerosal, which is now being connected with autism. Research is suggesting that the accumulative effects of vaccines are contributing to the rises in diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma and attention deficit disorders. RDK: Vaccinations have been the mainstay of public health care for a long time and the claim is that they have reduced and in many cases wiped out many of the acute child hood diseases. Could you comment on this. Meg Pickering: Public sanitation was a huge factor in reducing diseases. Many of the diseases we have been vaccinated for were already on the decline (almost wiped out of our society) before the vaccinations were introduced. All disease is cyclical, it is devastating when it first hits a population because many succumb to it. However those with stronger immunity pass on a resistance to the pathogen, until after a few generations it becomes a non life-threatening experience like most of the diseases we are vaccinated for now. RDK: It seems there are more types of vaccines available today then when I was a little girl, and they are vaccines for diseases my siblings, friends and I successfully over came as children. Meg Pickering: Yes, there are more vaccines today then in the past. RDK: How do they decide the childhood immunization schedule? Meg Pickering: It is arbitrary. The schedule seems to be based solely on when a pediatrician tends to have a child in his/her office. It is not based on when children are susceptible to a particular disease. RDK: It seems the public health sources and pediatricians are not very forth coming about the contra-indications of immunizing children. Therefore how do parents educate themselves on the issue? Meg Pickering: The avenues of education on this issue are many. One can always refer to the Internet, news media, books and lectures for information. We have a variety of people who come to our lectures. They come because they are motivated to educate themselves on the issue and we encourage them to make an educated and not a fear based choice. RDK: What are Maine laws in regard to childhood immunization? Meg Pickering: Maine is one of the 24 states with a philosophical objection clause allowing parents to opt out of vaccinating and their child can still attend any state funded school or program. I have found schools to be very open and accepting of parents choosing not to vaccinate. The school nurse at my son's school said she is seeing more and more parents avoiding vaccinations for their kids. RDK: As a chiropractor what would be your advice to parents on child health care? Meg Pickering: With our understanding of the human body and our experience we have seen the body becomes stronger as it responds to a cold or measles or chicken pox, etc. It is like exercising the immune system. The more exercise it gets the more efficient it becomes at dealing with what comes next. The best thing to do for a child is to be proactive. Have the child eat right, exercise, rest and be optimistic and loving. I would advise regular chiropractic care to keep the immune system and the entire body at an optimum function. ------------------------------------ For further information, please refer to the following resources:
Drs. Meg Pickering and Carol Coyle
The National Vaccine Information Center BOOKS
A Shot in the Dark by Haris Coulter and Barbara Lee Fischer
The Consumer Guide to Childhood Vaccines by Barbara Lee Fischer
Vaccinations: A thoughtful Parents Guide by Aviva Jill Romm C.P.M.
What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization ------------------------------------
Kennebunkport resident, Ms. Dixit-Kubiak is an independent health/environment researcher, yoga teacher, shiatsu therapist, and program coordinator for Big Medicine's Eco-Holistic Health Exchanges. Her email is