![]() CAMPAIGN Main Objective Strategy & Tactics NGO Appeal Letter Progress to Date How to Help Out DN! in Maine Now - NEW! Sister DN! Campaigns - NEW! Maine Campaign News - NEW! |
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Our need for Democracy Now! is of course even greater now as the war rages
and the corporate media swarms with military advisors, rightist pundits
and banzai propaganda. (Recent surveys by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting - www.fair.org - show that public broadcasting news shows now
also feature four times more war boosters than war skeptics in their
coverage and interviews.)
Coincidentally, Maine Public Radio is also in great need, only theirs is for Pledge Revenue Now! MPR is in desperate financial trouble and has to raise a quarter of a million dollars during this pledge week. Hmmm, maybe we can work something out... Since courtesy, reason and widespread support have so far failed, let us now try the coarser tools of economics. FLOOD MPR's PLEDGE DRIVE WITH DEMANDS FOR DEMOCRACY NOW! Call in to the MPR Pledge Line (1-800-866-1475) from April 5th to 11th and tell them you would gladly support them, but ONLY IF they carry Democracy Now! (for at least a 3-month trial).
Economic pressure may not be noblest path to success, but all is fair in love and war, and here we're definitely moved by both. And as a final irony, adopting Democracy Now! may end up saving MPR's drowning fiscal ass. Consider that:
NOW MORE THAN EVER, YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! PUT THE PUBLIC BACK IN PUBLIC RADIO! Whoever thought getting a little truth in the air would take so damn much work... |
UPDATE: First off, we would like to warmly thank the thousand+ of you who attended Amy Goodman's presentations in February despite the ferocious weather, and the thousands more who have written, emailed and called Maine Public Radio in support of this cause. Maine's response to the first two phases of this effort (enlisting organizational endorsements and demonstrating wide popular support) has been massive and unprecedented.
Beck went on to make the rather stupefying claim that Amy Goodman, who has won nearly every broadcast journalism award in America, is merely a leftist version of Rush Limbaugh, the hate-mongering attack dog of the right. (The degree to which this decision is based on his personal politics or fear of reprisals from his government and corporate funders is still unknown, but we do know his arguments for refusing the show are clearly pretexts and ring untrue. A brief examination of his official "reasons" (and our comments) are available here. |
RADIO Blue Hill - WERU (89.9 FM). Weekdays at 5 p.m.
Newcastle - Lincoln County TV (Adelphia Cable channel 4)
SISTER DEMOCRACY NOW! CAMPAIGNS ELSEWHERE The Battle in New Mexico A Half-Won Contest in New York |
PROLOGUE "This is not a time of gentleness, of timid beginnings that steal into life with soft apologies and dainty grace. It is a time for loud voice, open speech and fearless thinking; a time of striving and conscious manhood, a time of all that is robust and vehement and bold; a time radiant with new deals, new hopes of true democracy. I love it, for it thrills me and gives me a feeling that I shall face great and terrible things. I am a child of my generation, and I rejoice that I live in such a splendidly disturbing time." -- Helen Keller CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE Get Democracy Now! onto Maine Public Radio as a daily news program by March 2003 (at the latest). Democracy Now! is a loud, open speaking, fearless thinking, non-commercial radio news hour broadcast daily on the Pacifica Network and now carried on 120 stations nationwide. DN! anchor Amy Goodman is a bold and vehement champion of non-violence, social justice, civil liberties, labor struggles, and human rights, and has an amazing array of journalism awards to show for it. The program reports on many issues and perspectives which are vital to the practice of democracy, but are routinely suppressed by mainstream broadcasters today. Such topics include:
Democracy Now! also offers in-depth interviews with insightful but media-shunned figures like Michael Moore, Greg Palast, Noam Chomsky, Jim Hightower, Cornell West, Edward Said, Ani Difranco, et al. If you have never experienced the program, you can get a fast impressive taste at the DN! website: http://www.democracynow.org. We ask you to imagine how the topics DN! covers, the voices it features, and the dissenting views it offers could dramatically change the local psychic atmosphere. In sum, we believe that regular broadcast of Democracy Now! in Maine could open a major clearing in the propaganda fog around us, and revitalize citizen activism and democratic debate across the state. |
STRATEGY The basic plan is to present MEPR Program Director Charles Beck and the MPBC Board with a dramatic deluge of appeals from groups and individuals around the state - in the form of petitions, emails, faxes, letters, etc. (Clarification: MEPR - Maine Public Radio - is a subset of MPBC - Maine Public Broadcasting Corporation. Mr. Beck has broad discretion in program scheduling, but if a decision is contested the MPBC Board has final say.) Note: We conferred with Mr. Beck himself about this request a couple weeks back, and he said carrying Democracy Now! was doable in theory but we might meet resistance from current program fans. Many in this crowd are also MEPR "members" and contributors, he noted, so they have a bit of clout. Therefore we would have to demonstrate "a LOT" of popular support for DN! inclusion to make the potential aggravation worthwhile. So that is the political terrain we face, and we propose to cover it in two steps. STEP ONE First we gather up a decent number of eminent organizational endorsements for the enclosed Appeal Letter and present that document personally (with 15-20 supporters) to Mr. Beck's office in Bangor sometime before the MPBC Executive Committee meeting on February 11th. STEP TWO After the Appeal is presented, we launch an email/fax/phone blitz to MPBC from around the state. We'll of course be inviting members from endorsing groups to help out, but also hope you ask friends, relatives, and work mates to drag their personal networks into action, too. We also encourage letters to the editor and op-ed pieces for local papers (and will be offering useful samples on this site). (MPBC-suggested suggestion: people who write or call MEPR in favor of this proposal should either identify themselves as dues-paying MEPR members if they are, or threaten to become one if Democracy Now! is put on the air.) After a couple weeks of this expressive outpouring, we invite Amy Goodman herself up on February 21st and 22nd for speaking gigs in Orono, Waterville and Portland. (WERU, WMPG and Maine IMC have generously expressed interest in covering these events to pump more interest in the cause.) With a little work and clever effort, we should have an absolutely irrefusable pile of pleas in the MPBC Board's inbox. As an added sweetener, Democracy Now! has offered Maine their first six months of programs absolutely free, so MPBC could assess listener response before having to think about money at all. If public reaction is as vibrant here as it has proved in other states, there should be no difficulty in finding local underwriters (public radio-speak for "sponsors") to cover the show's extremely down-market cost. |
HOW TO HELP First off, get inspired. Just imagine the difference this could make - a full hour of real non-corporate news and propaganda-deflating truths available every day in every home in the state. Then if you can help sign up a group or association to the Appeal Letter, PLEASE do so immediately and send us a note (at bigmed@nancho.net)on the details -- group name, focus, contact person, contact info, etc. Also if you know anyone on the MPBC Board (or someone who knows someone on the board), please begin lobbying at your own chosen speed. Other possible contributions:
MAINE NGO DEMOCRACY NOW! ENDORSEMENT LETTER PLEASE ASK YOUR GROUP OR ORGANIZATION TO SIGN ON… Dear Mr. Beck and respected members of the MPBC Board, We would first like to express our sincere gratitude to MPR for the quality of programming you have offered the people of Maine since your inception. Many of us now greatly rely upon you for keeping us informed and educated on issues of deep public concern. Considering that reliance and the increasingly threatening world we all face today, we are also writing to ask you to expand the scope of your endeavors. Specifically, we would like to request more diversity in the range of voices and information you offer, a diversity we now desperately require to understand our current plight and options. Our apparently imminent war with Iraq, our increasing involvement in Columbia, the terrorist menace, our precarious economy, threats to our civil liberties, and other issues are all causes for legitimate concern and demand open intelligent debate. Against this background, we feel the need for more varied perspectives and in-depth reporting on the fateful events now occurring domestically and throughout the world. We believe the quickest, least costly and most effective way to accomplish this would be to include the Pacifica network's Democracy Now! show in your broadcast lineup. Those who live in the Bangor and Blue Hill areas are able to enjoy DN! on WERU, but we believe the rest of Maine now also deserves and needs to hear this extraordinary program as well. Although many journalism schools still teach that one of the profession's highest callings is "to monitor the centers of power," we find that Democracy Now! is one of the rare programs today that puts this ideal into practice. The DN! staff has won wide professional recognition for their courageous coverage and investigations, including the George Polk Award for Journalism, the Robert F. Kennedy Prize for International Reporting, the Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia Silver Baton, the Armstrong Award, and the Radio/Television News Directors Award, as well as awards from AP, UPI, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Democracy Now! not only enjoys critical acclaim, 120 stations now carry the show across the country and all agree that it has developed a broad and devoted audience. We would be proud to have MPR join that list, and sincerely believe the program will boost the network's audience, membership, and reputation in Maine civil society. This request is submitted on behalf of a variety of religious, political, environmental, labor, educational, and peace groups from across the State, and the list of supporting individuals and organizations swiftly continues to grow.
We look forward to your positive response to this appeal and to your continued leadership in providing Maine's people with the range of news and views we so urgently need to inform ourselves, comprehend our times, and preserve our own democracy here and now.
For a printable copy of this section, click here. CURRENT SIGNATORIES TO DEMOCRACY NOW! ENDORSEMENT LETTER (as of 2/07/03 -- to be updated weekly) 2nd Maine Militia - Parsonsfield Beehive Design Collective - Machias Belfast Arts Council - Belfast Big Medicine - Kennebunkport Bowdoin Folk for Peaceful Ways - Brunswick Brunswick Peace Works - Brunswick Chewonki Foundation - Wiscasset CLEAN:Maine - Jonesboro College of the Atlantic - Bar Harbor CONA (Citizens Offering New Alternatives) - Walpole Democratic Socialists - Bowdoin Chapter Farmington Area Local Food Farmington Women in Black Forest Ecology Network - Augusta The Good Life Center - Harborside Global Help ~ Bowdoin - Brunswick HCCN (Hancock County Community Network) Justice, Ecology & Democracy Center - Greene Katahdin Center Labor Party of Southern Maine - Portland Let Cuba Live - Maine Chapter - Portland LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens) - Portland Maine AFL-CIO - Bangor Maine Council of Churches - Portland Maine Democratic Party - Augusta Maine Global Action Network - Greene Maine Green Independent Party - Augusta Maine Independent Media Center - Waterville Maine Peoples Alliance - Bangor Maine Women's Labor Institute - Bangor Midcoast Challenge Corporate Power Forum - Rockland MOFGA (Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association) - Unity Northern Peace & Justice Center Pax Christi - Portland Peace Action Maine - Portland Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine - Bangor Peace and Justice Group of Waldo County - Waldo Peninsula Peace & Justice Center - Penobscot Physicians for Social Responsibility - Maine Chapter PICA (Peace through Interamerican Community Action) - Bangor Portland Community Action - Portland Portland Tenants Union POWER (Portland Organization to Win Economic Rights) The Real Democracy Project - Dover, NH ROSC (Resources for Organizing and Social Change) - Monroe SEA-Change Seacoast Peace Response - Kittery/Portsmouth Student Advocates for Freedom & Equality - Portsmouth Southern Maine Central Labor Council - Portland Teamsters : Local 304 - Portland Veterans for Peace - Portland Western Mountains Peace Action Workshop Witness for Peace - Falmouth Women's International League for Peace & Freedom - Maine Chapter |
SMALL BUSINESS ENDORSEMENTS Baldwin Apple Ladder - Brooks Blue Hill Books - Blue Hill Blue Hill Food Coop - Blue Hill Northern Lights Books - Blue Hill Fairwinds Florist - Blue Hill Fiddlers Green Farm - Belfast Handworks Gallery - Blue Hill Heartsong Books - Blue Hill Island Cow Ice Cream - Stonington Lilly's - Stonington Neverdun Farm - Arundel Pan de Famille - Blue Hill Solutions, Inc. - Bath Wolf Pine Farm - Alfred |
MEPR Program Director: Charles Beck MEPR, 65 Texas St, Bangor 04401 Tel: 941-1010 Fax: 942-2857 1-800-884-1717 (toll-free) Email: cbeck@mpbc.org NEXT SCHEDULED BOARD MEETING: 12:30-3:30, Tuesday, February 11, 2003 1450 Lisbon Street, Lewiston - Open to the Public - BOARD OF TRUSTEES |
Anne Jenkins, Chair P. James Dowe Jr., Vice Chair Mary Anne Alhadeff, President/CEO William D. Adams Suzanne Austin Sally Beaudette John DiMatteo Helen Dudman Mary Ellen FitzGerald Al Glickman Elaine Tuttle Hansen Charles Hewett Mark Lawrence Barry D. McCrum Barry Mills Dr. Wickham Skinner Robert Umphrey |
John Wasileski Joseph Westphal Lyndel Wishcamper Trustee Emeritus/Emerita Bonnie Adams Robert Boit Crispin Connery William Cotter Robert Edwards (President Emeritus) Shane Flynn Donald Harward Bennett Katz Tabitha King Lincoln Ladd David Morse Neil Rolde |
HEAR AND MEET LADY FREE SPEECH HERSELF All Events Free and Open to the Public {but donations will be gratefully accepted} 2/21/03 7:00 PM ORONO U of M, Donald P. Corbett Hall, #100 Sponsors: Maine Peace Action Committee, Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine and WERU-FM For more information: 581-3860 2/22/03 1:00 PM WATERVILLE Colby, Olin Science Bldg, Hall #1 Sponsors: Movement for Global Justice, Maine Indy Media Center FMI: 649-5980 2/22/03 7:00 PM PORTLAND USM, Luther Bonney Auditorium Sponsors: USM Philosophy Department with The Arthouse Coalition, Big Medicine, CTN Channel 4, Maine Indy Media Center, Portland Public Access, Sound Ecology and WMPG-FM FMI: 775-0270 |
PANELISTS Stephanie Agurkus - P.O.W.E.R. Carolyn Chute - 2nd Maine Militia Roger Leisner - Radio Free Maine Hillary Lister - Maine Independent Media Center Richard Rhames - Biddeford Public Access Briggs Seekins - Portland Public Access |
WHAT JOURNALISTS ARE SAYING "I love Democracy Now! because it enables me to hear important voices, ideas and points of view that I am not hearing anywhere else in the clutter and fog of Washington's chattering classes. Keep up the good work, Amy. I only regret that cannot hear it in every city to which I travel. Amid all the information I absorb ravenously every day, Democracy Now! helps to give me some needed balance." -- Clarence Page, nationally syndicated Chicago Tribune columnist
"I am a regular listener of Democracy Now! it is stimulating, refreshing and informative!"
"Democracy Now! is an excellent, illuminating radio program. I listen to itas often as I can, either early in the morning when i'm working out or later in the morning, driving to the office. Whether the subject is military repression in Indonesia, sweatshop labor around the globe, genetically altered food, the death penalty or a local environmental struggle-- to name just a few subjects that have caught my attention in recent months -- I invariably feel that I am better informed after listening to Democracy Now!
"Just wanted to report that the response that we got from our listeners for DN's convention coverage was overwhelmingly positive. During both the Democratic and Republican convention we took dozens of calls from grateful listeners who said they were glued to their radios. Among the highlights for our listeners were Nader on the floor of the GOP convention and the debates in LA over the tactics of the activists. One other item: I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the combined radio/video coverage that Pacifica pulled off with Free Speech TV was a milestone in alternative media." |
FEEDBACK FROM DN! AFFILIATES AND EMINENT OTHERS "In the four years that KZYX has been airing Democracy Now!, it has become an essential part of our news and information programming, providing a complement and balance to the perspectives heard on NPR. Since day one, Democracy Now' has consistently outperformed both Morning Edition and All Things Considered, both during fund drives and in listener loyalty. For many listeners, it is the high point of our broadcast day. We highly recommend adding Democracy Now! to any station looking to expand the reach and scope of their news programming." - Mary Aigner, Program Director, KZYX (CA)
"Democracy Now! has really helped build our audience during the afternoon news block and it has been very important in our fundraising. The show has been hugely successful. It has brought a whole new audience to KUNM and it has allowed us to diversify our listenership."
"The response to Democracy Now over the last six years has been overwhelming. The show raises more money for us than either Morning Edition or All Things Considered. The message from our community is clear - Democracy Now is an essential part of our programming schedule."
"Amy Goodman is an extraordinary journalist, in the grand American tradition of Lincoln Steffens, Heywood Broun, I.F. Stone, carrying their brilliant investigative reporting into the new realm of broadcasting. She has become a legendary figure in the field, has reported from some of the most beleaguered and dangerous places in the globe, with impeccable honesty and courage. Her contribution to our culture is unique bringing information and ideas to her listeners which they cannot see in the major media."
"When the rest of the world wants to know what the U.S. government is up to, we turn to Noam Chomsky, Edward Said, Howard Zinn, Ed Herman, Amy Goodman... to tell us what's really going on."
![]() RECENT DEMOCRACY NOW! VIDEOS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE FOR OUTREACH & EDUCATION IN MAINE College students should be inspired by the December 5th program on the New School. It includes the following segments:
FOR COPIES, PLEASE CONTACT: Robert Walters 15 Leeside Rd, Harpswell, ME 04079 Tel: 207-833-5730 For a printable copy of this section, click here. |
![]() THE WAR AND PEACE REPORT Democracy Now! has just launched "The War and Peace Report," which focuses on the impending war with Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, and the "War on Terror" at home. The series includes: