Revealing introductory texts and resources to bring you
up to speed on Big Body symptoms & strategies.
Globalization & Big Body Dominion
Recently the most intense attention to Big Bodies has been generated by their historic victories in subordinating all sensual, spiritual and cultural aspects of our planetary experience to their primitive economic appetites. Since their continued evolution and dominance as social organisms demands ever increasing trade, production/consumption and corporate growth, they have made these the cardinal values of the New World Order. To enforce these values, they have created new legal weapons like NAFTA, GATT and MAI and a whole class of auxilliary bodies like the IMF and the WTO to clear human obstacles to their manifest destiny - obstacles like our hard-won laws against food/air/water pollution, environmental rape, worker exploitation, the destruction of cultural and biological diversity, etc. In spite of its predictably low profile in the corporate media, every sentient being should know about this lethal offensive. Try these links for starters.
"The difference between science and economics," says F.E. Banks in Truth and Economics, "is that science aims at an understanding of the behavior of nature, while economics is involved with an understanding of models - and many of these models have no relation to any state of nature that has ever existed on this planet, or any that is likely to exist between now and doomsday. The word that comes to mind when confronted by these fantasies is fraud."
"To see why the current course of globalization cannot continue and must be changed to a healthier one, we need to look at the inherent contradictions between what we have euphemistically called "free market capitalism" (in fact an incipient global totalitarian capitalism) and what we should have: a democratic and ecologically sound economic system. I want to discuss this fundamental contradiction from a biological perspective, but let's look first at the pattern of growing opposition to corporate globalization without representation..."
The Big Body Plague - US Political/Social Effects
( A VERY Short List of Typical Symptoms)
Corruption of Leaders & Elections
Edited Excerpts
"If a program involves the government giving more to private companies than it gets back --
that is, where it is engaging in a transaction that cannot be justified as a fair market value exchange -- then it
should be considered corporate welfare...
"Government giveaways; government-funded research and development; bailouts; tax expenditures; loans and loan guarantees; state and local corporate welfare; export and overseas marketing assistance; loans and loan guarantees; and grants and direct subsidies totaled more than $76 billion in fiscal year 1999, according to conservative estimates by the Office of Management and Budget. For the five-year period 2000-2004, the government will spend more than $394 billion on corporate tax subsidies...
"In one of the single biggest giveaways in U.S. corporate welfare history, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on April 7, 1997 donated broadcast licenses for digital television to existing broadcasters... Under the terms of the giveaway, the broadcasters will pay nothing for the exclusive right to use the public airwaves, even though the FCC itself estimated the value of the digital licenses to be worth $11 billion to $70 billion...The giveaway was mandated, in part, by the 1996 Telecommunications Act, which prohibited, under demands by the broadcaster lobby, the FCC from auctioning off the airwaves. The Telecommunications Act also required the FCC, if it decided to allocate the licenses, to give them only to incumbent broadcasters."
Clear cutting removes all trees within a stand of a few species to create new habitat for wildlife. Procter & Gamble uses this economically and environmentally sound method because it most closely mimics nature's own processes... Clear cutting also opens the forest floor to sunshine, thus stimulating growth and providing food for animals.As one writer points out: 'Imagine, your target market not only reads your ads, they get tested on them!'. One kit put out by Teacher Support Software, which is used in many kindergartens in Texas, includes test questions such as 'Taco Bell has [blank] and burritos'."
Big Body predations in this realm are already countless and infamous - from nuclear power and agrobiz soil annihilation to clear-cut forests and global warming. I include only a few sites here that I just belatedly discovered, but which certainly could use some Big Medicine of their own.
BB: I took each of these major media industries and measured which companies together had half or more of the business. In the case of newspapers, for example, a handful of companies have 51 per cent of the national average of daily circulation. In the case of television, three corporations have about 75 per cent of the business.SI: Don’t we have anti-monopoly laws that are supposed to prevent this kind of thing from happening?
BB: They have been put to sleep..., interpreted into coma.
SI: By whom?
BB: By the federal government responding to corporate influence. But it is not a single, direct influence. It is a large, overwhelming, seamless web of the involvement of corporate interests -- banking, financial, industrial -- in the support of members of Congress and the presidency; in their presence in Washington where they have become almost partners in the making of regulations and laws; and where necessary, in flooding the media with information that supports their points of view.
Big Body Anthroculture - Psychosomatic Effects
Stripped to its bare essentials, anthroculture is simply corporate animal husbandry, a technology for arresting human - particularly male - development so people will cheerfully accept a life-time of amoral subordinate service within a corporate membrane. The ancient Chinese practised a primitive form of anthroculture when they routinely castrated all their bureaucrats to ensure loyalty and reflexive obedience. We've advanced a bit since then and now use psychosomatic pressures, estrogenic substances and consumptive addictions to retard individuation and bind our social bodies together. As you read through the following, please recall how your schools prepared you "for the real world" as well as your own personal experiences with Big Bodies and their bonsai members.
We once believed industrial emasculation was simply done with authoritarian instruction, systemic stress and estrogenic foods. Now it turns out Big Bodies have also been flooding the food chain with male hormone disruptors and thus prepping us all for a lifelong pre-sexual childhood. Won't Disney be thrilled...
The ultimate target of all anthrocultural enterprise is a eusocial or perfectly submissive collective body. (Eusocial means "REALLY social", to the point that worker members become literally "self-sacrificing" & "single-minded", reflexively obedient and effectively neuter. Among humans the neutering is less genetic than memetic -- the males can no longer freely produce or act upon their own seminal ideas. Their personal conceptions are gradually replaced with the orthodox memes of their corporate body which they learn to accept as their own.) Eusocial underlings thus enter a prolonged state of neoteny or arrested psychosomatic development. The following readings may make this all a bit clearer.
"There are three members of a honey bee society: the queen , the male drones, and the workers. What about those tens of thousands of workers? They are all sterile. Their lives are devoted to tending the hive, producing the honeycomb, finding food and water, and defending the hive against aggressors.
"Ants, wasps, and bees are all so closely related that we find them within a single order of insects -- Hymenoptera. But termites are in a totally different order -- Isoptera. Their closest relatives are the cockroaches. The eusociality of these different types of insects -- bees and termites -- therefore represents a case of convergent evolution.
"An even more spectacular case of convergent evolution is seen in the case of the naked mole-rats. These are the mammalian equivalent of termites -- a single queen mates with one or two kings, and everyone else serves as a sterile worker. These are the only known eusocial vertebrates." (The good doctor has obviously never visited Mitsubishi...)
"The only "eusocial" mammals, these mondo bizzarro creatures from sub-Saharan
Africa live in communal nests in dark burrow systems where
they are ruled by a caste system similar to that of social insects. Naked mole-rats grow up only to serve
the needs of their plump CEO queen -- the sole female breeder in the colony.
Once weaned, the young mole-rats join the working class. Unlike ants, worker
mole-rats are not sterile. So what stops them all from breeding? Biologists think the
matriarch uses hormones to suppress reproduction in the rest of the colony. During the queen mama's estrus cycle, all the male mole-rat underlings develop teats and run around looking like females." Similar hormones also seem to chronically block maturation and prepare the workers for life-long neutered service to the collective enterprise. This arrested state is similar to classical neoteny.
'The problems of domestication have been an obsession with me for many years. On the one hand, I am convinced that man owes the life-long persistence of his explorative playfulness to a partial neoteny which is indubitably a consequence of domestication In a curiously analogous manner does the domestic dog owe its permanent attachment to its master to a behavioral neoteny that prevents it from ever wanting to be a pack leader On the other hand, domestication is apt to cause an alarming disintegration of valuable behavioral traits and an equally alarming exaggeration of less desirable ones.'"Infantile characteristics in domestic animals are discussed by Price and Coppinger et al. (1987). The physical changes are also related to changes in behavior. Retaining juvenile traits makes animals more tractable and easy to handle." (Emphasis added.)