Jagran Jan Vikas Samiti

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JJVS director Smt. Bhanwar Dhabhai and gunis at the Kurabar Guni Ashram
November 2003 Aravalli trek
Ayurveda & Naturopathy Hospital campus in Udaipur
JJVS director Bhanwar Dhabhai & gunis
(lft to rt) Rita, Sanae, Nuala, Dori & Judy with women gunis at the Guni Ashram
Course participants, gunis & village midwives
Entrance to Udaipur Forest Department Herbarium
Gunis welcome participants to JJVS Guni Ashram
(lft to rt) Ayurved Jiyalalji, driver Premsingh, Dori, B..L. Kabra, Terry, Sanae, Judy, botanist Jhala, Nuala, Rita, gunis and village children
Group photo
Study session at guni Rabri-bai's residence
Traditional wedding wall painting at guni Rabri-bai's home
Guni gathering organized by Bhanwar Dhabhai at Guni Ashram
Ayurved Jiyalalji sharing a joke at a guni ceremony in our honor
JJVS staff guni Pratabi-bai's residence
Village elder Ramji discussing rural democracy in the village commons
Jiyalalji, Manu Gopalan, Ramji and other villagers in discussion