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The rapid growth of computer networking is a good match with the
renewed activity, information-sharing and internationalism of the East
Timor support movement. There are a number of resources available
over the Internet, and more are being added all the time. Please let
us know of any additions or corrections. The first three lists (alerts, reg.easttimor, and Estafeta) are maintained manually. For access, contact John M. Miller (etan-outreach@igc.apc.org) or Charles Scheiner (etan-us@igc.apc.org). ETAN/US also maintains a postal mailing list (for the newsletter and other mailings), a fax list for alerts, and a phone list. Even if you only wish to receive electronic material, we would appreciate having your postal mailing address, phone and fax numbers. ----------------------------------------------- Alert list East Timor Action Network/US has a electronic mailing list for action alerts. These alerts deal with lobbying the US government, severe human rights violations and the like. Items are sent as needed, and postings average 1 per month. ----------------------------------------------- reg.easttimor / east-timor Reg.easttimor is a conference (newsgroup) which originates from the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) member networks (PeaceNet, GreenNet, Pegasus, etc.). Reg.easttimor contains postings from a wide range of sources, including the National Council of Maubere Resistance (CNRM), ETAN/US, TAPOL, and support groups in Australia, Portugal, Japan, France, Canada, Sweden, England, Ireland, the Philippines, Indonesia New Zealand and elsewhere. Reports and translations from wire services and the Indonesian, Portuguese, Australian, British, U.S. and Irish press also regularly appear there, as well as official documents and statements from the U.N., national governments, and other sources. Postings average 6-10 per day, although the frequency varies with the pace of East Timor-related events. This conference is available by email with read/write access to any Internet address; write etan-outreach@igc.apc.org or etan-us@igc.apc.org if you are interested. Reg.easttimor has recently been converted to a majordomo server called east-timor@igc.apc.org. You still need to write to etan-outreach@igc.apc.org to be added to the list. If you join PeaceNet or one of its sister networks you will have easier access to the conference, including past material. For information about PeaceNet, a non-profit progressive networking service run by the Institute for Global Communications (IGC) in San Francisco, send a message to peacenet-info@igc.apc.org.
Weekly summaries of reg.et are on ETAN's gopher at: gopher://gopher.igc.apc.org:70/11/peace/timor.gopher/summariesand on the web at: http://shell.ihug.co.nz/~calliope/Nettalk.htmlVirtually all reg.easttimor items, slightly delayed, are readable at the University of Lisbon WWW site: http://amadeus.inesc.pt:80/~jota/Timor/A sortable index to reg.easttimor, with links to the items, is at: http://www.uc.pt/~timorndxPostings since September 1996 are readable at: http://www.handrade.pt/timor/ml.htmAn abridged, read-only version of Reg.easttimor, with an average of two daily postings, is on APC as the conference tapol.etimor. This is also available as e-mail; to receive it, send a note to maggie@web.net. ----------------------------------------------- Other Indonesia-related lists. The APC also has conferences reg.indonesia and reg.westpapua. The latter is available by email; write cscheiner@igc.apc.org to receive it. A new list, indonesia-act, is designed for action-oriented information on Indonesian democracy issues, and is primarily in English. For information on this majordomo-served self-service list (which is an echo of the APC conference act.indonesia), send a message to majordomo@igc.apc.org with the body of the message containing: info indonesia-actTo subscribe to the list, write majordomo@igc.apc.org with the text: subscribe indonesia-actin the contents of the message.
Reg.indonesia, tapol.etimor, reg.westpapua, and reg.easttimor can each
be queried by email for the index and past postings. To get the
conference index, send email to: sendThese indexes -- which contain one line per posting with the topic title, data, and poster's name -- can be long; some of these conferences have over 500 items in them. After receiving the index, you can retrieve a particular topic (or topics) with another message to almanac@gn.apc.org with a body like: sendYou can send more than one query per message, just put each one on a separate line. The topics will come back by email, one email per query. It will be broken into smallish chunks, mostly to accommodate people at the far ends of FIDO-style point software. Topic numbers change every few days, so use the index soon after you get it, and don't refer to topics by number in any postings. There is also a new, very active, newsgroup on Indonesia-related materials from the world press in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. It is an electronic version of the Kabar dari PIJAR Jaringan Informasi Reformasi newsletter. To subscribe, write to majordomo@igc.apc.org with: subscribe kdp-netin the body of your message. Writing to the same address with: info kdp-netwill get you more information about their service. ----------------------------------------------- Estafeta ETAN/US prepares an electronic version of its newsletter, Estafeta, which averages eight printed pages. Many prefer the paper version of the newsletter to e-mailed one. ----------------------------------------------- Gopher ETAN maintains background information, including weekly summaries of reg.easttimor, in the Institute for Global Communications Gopher. To access the East Timor information go to IGC's public gopher. Type 'gopher gopher.igc.apc.org' and look under the "Peace, Human Rights and Social Justice." The URL for this gopher is: gopher://gopher.igc.apc.org:70/11/peace/timor.gopher----------------------------------------------- World-Wide Web East Timor information in English is on the World-Wide Web from the University of Lisbon at: http://amadeus.inesc.pt/~jota/Timor/This includes background and current information, and links to many other systems including the IGC Gopher. Other well-maintained East Timor pages include:
Other Resources Some great posters about East Timor are at
http://www.peg.apc.org/~saskia The transcript of a 12/96 public meeting on East Timor in NYC with Noam Chomsky, Constancio Pinto, Allan Nairn and others is at: http://www.worldmedia.com/archive/talks/9512-timor-etan.html Audio from a speech Chomsky gave at MIT in April 1995 is at: http://www.worldmedia.com/archive/audio/9511timor.html Reports from the Asia-Pacific Conference on East Timor in Malaysia are at: http://www.gv.net.my/apcet/ A good "course" on East Timor with cultural and historical reference materials is at: http://www.uc.pt/Timor/TimorNet.html The Canadian Forces College includes East Timor on: http://www.cfcsc.dnd.ca/links/wars/timor.html Peace Action's site about the impending sale of US F-16 warplanes to Indonesia is at: http://www.webcom.com/peaceact/f16.html A record of all UN General Assembly votes on East Timor is at: http://cygnus.ci.uc.pt/~cdpm/votac_e.htm Amnesty International's Indonesia & East Timor material is available through: http://www.amnesty.org/ with background material on their 1994-5 campaign in: ftp://ftp.io.org/pub/human-rights/Amnesty/indonesia/ Many reference human rights documents and links are at: http://www.umn.edu/humanrts/ To hear some music about East Timor, try: http://www.web.apc.org/~hands If you want to see what the Indonesia government has to say, try: http://www.prica.org/east_timor/ (Embassy in Ottawa) or Some very informative web sites on West Papua are at: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/cline/papua***************************************** Usenet The Usenet newsgroup soc.culture.portuguese includes information on East Timor in both Portuguese and English. The soc.culture.indonesia discussion of East Timor is mostly flaming debates, with little substantive English-language material not available elsewhere. Misc.activism.progressive and soc.rights.human also contain materials. Several mailing lists, including SEASIA-L@MSU.EDU (bit.listserv.seasia-l as a newsgroup) and INDONESIA-L (a private list mediated by apakabar@clark.net), also contain materials, but have little on East Timor in English that does not appear in reg.easttimor. INDONESIA-L does have a lot of material in Bahasa Indonesia. INDONESIA-L is available on the Web at: http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/indonesia/news/ There is a summary of INDONESIA-L (it also includes some additional material taken directly from reg.easttimor) at: gopher://oasis.leidenuniv.nl/11/.kitlv/.daily-report This resource list was updated in April '97. For the latest version, send a blank email message to timor-info@igc.apc.org. ETAN also has a (paper) information packet about East Timor and what you can do. If you would like a copy, send us your postal mailing address.
P.O. Box 1182, White Plains, NY 10602 USA Tel.(914)428-7299 fax:(914)428-7383 email: etan-us@igc.apc.org .