Sacred Animals
Party Site

Magic 10% Site

Excise BIG Personhood,
Neuter Corporate Rulers

Reinscribe Corporate Codes,
Re-engineer Big DNA

Remasculate Democracy,
The Big T and Sovereignty

Practice Big Med at Home!
The Big Medicine Mailing List

Big Medicine Central
Dispensing Magic Memes for Corporate Ills
Since the Year '01
Big Med is now reformatting itself to undertake some new journalistic and field projects. This site is currently an archive of previous initiatives and perpetually provocative ideas, but will be updated soon to reflect current activities.
Big Med's Areas of Continuing Concern
- Escalating Authoritarianism & Corporate Hegemony
- Increasing Inequality and Militarization
- Deteriorating Human and Environmental Health
- Lack of Synergy among Most Single Issue Groups
Big Med is a recon, arms and resource center for those
battling malignant corporate power, at least those
wise enough to explore Big Corporate Bodies as
evolving living systems, eco-social pathogens,
and/or our morbid rivals for control of the world.
There are a few surprisingly simple legal, political, even hormonal reasons why corporate plagues are ravaging our world; why the soil, air and water are ever more toxic to life; why more of our kind are poorer, sicker, and more fearful than any time in memory. We hold the following truths to be self-evident.
Let us just suppose that Big Bodies:
are real superorganisms that dominate,
shape and synchronize their members' lives
and minds;
- control our education, science and media, and exploit this power to condition us to serve corporate ends;
- generate a monstrous share of the poison,
pain and havoc in the world;
- have overtaken humans as Earth's new
dominant species and hijacked our
evolutionary course;
- may yet be thwarted if the Magic 10% among us - the immune forces of the body politic - wake up, and
miniaturize-localize-democratize their
premises in time.
We ask you not to debate these assumptions, just
briefly pretend they are true. If we presume they are, what kind of contest would we
face, what would we have to learn and do?
Nader sees our challenge as a "corporate coup d'etat," and talks legal and political. We fear
an even grimmer bio-evolutionary doom, and plot in militant medicalese. Big Med thus offers
the following aid:
- Diagnostic - facts that illuminate the singular corporatist cause behind most
eco-social ills.
- Remedial - broad-spectrum tactics to boost popular resistance locally and wither Big
Bodies globally.
- Prognostic - self-fulfilling prescriptions for a spirited, sensual post-corporate world.
We seek wise and witty contributions in any of these fields, particularly those that
strengthen everyone's hand to belittle BIG's rampant power.
In sum, we ask your aid in chronicling and quickening the coming Big Devolution. Grand
surprises await once you start to think BIG.

COP10 Conference
Truth Emergency
Ain't that Good News
WBAI Radio
Show Archive
New Chautauqua

Index for Original
Big Karma Site

Big Med 2000
V-Prez Campaign

Meme Works

Forum of Democratic Leaders of the Asia-Pacific