Multi-Benefit Bio-Remedies
for the Climate's Carbon Ills

Where most CO2 can go and rightfully should be
Employment Opportunities with Planktos

Early Recruitment Alert

As Planktos moves from a research phase into implementation and marketing in 2005, we shall soon be requiring new staff -- skilled technical help, office assistance, and project interns. If you have a strong desire to save the world, and perhaps make a little money on the side, we encourage you to check back here regularly for upcoming positions and send us your resume.

We are currently seeking staff immediately for the following roles:

  • Assistant office manager - must be skilled in accounting & database tech, and have project planning experience. Environmental science knowledge, European language fluency, and anal-compulsive organizational habits all a plus.
  • Securities marketing specialists - must have experience in market analysis, brokerage and marketing strategy. Should have some familiarity with the carbon trading world or a prodigiously fast learning curve. Ditto on the above desiderata.
  • Summer interns - preferably from the fields of environmental science, green marketing, marine biology, forestry and/or computer graphics & simulation. Ideally should be equally comfortable and competent in the wilds, on the sea, and facing computers under deadline (or at least willing and able to learn).
Location San Francisco Bay area. Salaries negotiable.

Contact Planktos via email with your resume and expectations.

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